Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to Time 100!

Magic players, please head on over to These two blogs are being fixed, so they're both returning to their original purpose. Here is where I write about the Time magazines 100 best novels from 1923 to 2005. Now I'll let you in on my progress. Here's a list of information about it all, and I'm up to 34 books! That's over a third, so I need to figure out some way to celebrate.

Anyway, the info!:

Reading (not actively)

The Adventures of Augie March
At Swim-Two-Birds
Gone With the Wind
I, Claudius
On the Road
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

Own, unstarted


Owned and read

Animal Farm
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
The Assistant
The Big Sleep
Brideshead Revisited
The Catcher in the Rye
A Clockwork Orange
The Day of the Locust
The Grapes of Wrath
The Great Gatsby
A Handful of Dust
Lord of the Flies
The Lord of the Rings
Naked Lunch
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pale Fire
Play It As It Lays
Rabbit, Run
To Kill a Mockingbird
Tropic of Cancer
Slaughterhouse Five
34 books.

The rest, 66 remaining.

All the King's Men
American Pastoral
An American Tragedy
Appointment in Samarra
The Berlin Stories
The Blind Assassin
Blood Meridian
The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Call It Sleep
The Confessions of Nat Turner
The Corrections
The Crying of Lot 49
A Dance to the Music of Time
Death Comes for the Archbishop
A Death in the Family
The Death of the Heart
Dog Soldiers
The French Lieutenant's Woman
The Golden Notebook
Go Tell it on the Mountain
Gravity's Rainbow
The Heart is A Lonely Hunter
The Heart of the Matter
A House for Mr. Biswas
Infinite Jest
Invisible Man
Light in August
The Moviegoer
Lucky Jim
The Man Who Loved Children
Midnight's Children
Mrs. Dalloway
Native Son
Never Let Me Go
The Painted Bird
A Passage to India
Portnoy's Complaint
The Power and the Glory
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
The Recognitions
Red Harvest
Revolutionary Road
The Sheltering Sky
Snow Crash
The Sot-Weed Factor
The Sound and the Fury
The Sportswriter
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold
The Sun Also Rises
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Things Fall Apart
To the Lighthouse
Under the Net
Under the Volcano
White Noise
White Teeth
Wide Sargasso Sea

Read more:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rounds 2-4 (belated, yes)

Round 2 versus Sarah

Blue white skies was ALL THERE WAS in this aerial combat. She takes game one despite my Griffins and Blazing Torch, while I take game 2 when I commit a Blasphemous Act with the only undying creature on the board. Game 3 I get off to a smacking start, when she attacks her voiceless spirit into my Nephalia Seakite, then drop a Mikaeus, the Lunarch for 4!

She then Dungeon Geists him and its stalled. This game started with only ten minutes which wound down. Eventually I wanted to upgrade my Delver into a Relentless Skaabs, but she didn't bite when I began bashing with my 1/1 scientist of insecty doom (and rightly so, being on like 18) and time is called. We're both on 16 and we can't get through the others defense, so we agree to draw.

Games 1-1-1
Rounds 1-0-1


Round 3 I'm against Tim.

He's got the draw bracket too, so I can tell we're going to go to time unless one of us just plays into the other's tricks. In my case, I played into his deck being the opposite of my deck. My removal was OK, his was just everywhere, plus he had two Skirsdag Flayers.

So unforunately we're fighting game 1 til he gets Mentor of the Meek and it draws him his deck. Including the two Skirsdag Flayers. I had a chance to shoot them at one point, but the Skirsdag got it, while the Mentor kept adrawin'. It's hard at those times to tell what you hate more, losing creatures or them drawing cards?

I figure now it's better to work on percentages. If I leave the Skirsdag, I'm 100% losing a creature. If he draws cards, there's atleast chances he'll draw chaff/land/useless crap.

So game 2 goes similar. I have both my Juggernaut's in my opening hand, but cast the first one turn 4 without protection, despite the Saving Grasp in hand. Turn 5 gets a lot of replay value, eats up his removal, but then I've just used my gas to get rid of his removal gas, and it's top decks for both of us. This stinks as 1/1s beat down, he's marginally ahead on life and then he gets that 3/3 Vampire who steals cards for you to cast, as well as being suddenly on 6 life with him having 6 power of flyers. Poop!

Games 0-2
Rounds 1-1-1

So that's the belated rounds 2-4. I know you've probably already read 5-7 so you know how I end up, but that's the relay. NOW to work it all into a nice article that reads well and concisely for Good Games. Woot!


Round 4

Round 4 v M Yang

Well this round was good, seeing I was threatening to tilt. My opponent was doing back and forth enough, less removal than my last opponent. Then we manage to trade blows, when I stabilise at 8, and continue to beat him down with my Invisible Stalker and then pump that every turn using a Mikaeus for 5. Life goes 14 11 7 2, INCREASING CONFUSION FOR THE LOSE!

Yeah. Game 2 we keep going, though he has Increasing Confusion again and didn't cast it at the opportune time, and I manage to beat him down.

Game 3 he mulls to five and I'm quite happy, and Liam joins me to watch and I beat him down with some creatures, time some slick moves perfectly to untap and shoot blockers and tap them down permanently with Dungeon Geists, and he doesn't get what he needs to stablise. I was almost packing darts when he seemed about to recover, but even then I just reminded myself that I had 20 life and he didn't.

Games 2-1
Rounds 2-1-1