Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What's this new set up?

Well this website has just changed it's layout, that's what the title is in reference to.

Today was great. I woke up at Amy's, saw her off at uni then went and bought some books. It took a while, but in the process I had to sit on the floor and produce my laptop. I do this often. I'm in the heart of Sydney, where all the swanky wankers come to eat/dine/read/prove they are whatever they hope they look like, and I sit on the floor like a hippy.

I had to check the titles of books that were on the list, That Infamous List, to see if the store didn't have them. I also needed a bathroom, so made a detour for that and found the kids section, playing Sooty. I watched Sooty until I remembered my need for a bathroom. Dymocks wouldn't help me there.

So I found one at the foodcourt, and, bowels satisfied, went back to shopping. I found a few, but got UNDER THE VOLCANO and PASSAGE TO INDIA. I base my buying on what a new book sounds like, and it's vague and hardly read blurb on the back. Passage to India sounds like travel, and Under the volcano is about a man drinking himself to death. There is always something fantastic to learn in that process, whether in a book or real life.

For instance at the moment this neighbour of Amy's is really up the creek, and has the hardest time coming to terms with it. He wont see Doctors, no treatment will be taken, but if there's a crash down the street, he's off ON FOOT to see it. Or to Blacktown (don't know what for) he's able to do that. But if it's Doctors? Nah, needs a lift off someone with a car. Appointment to get a knee job? Nah, government coming to fix something that day (true story, though used as a convenient excuse).

The man's desire to not tell himself "You are about to die" extends to the point at which he'll live out the life of a fit person, who CAN do without those check ups. Interesting.

I cleaned up my room/workspace today. Cleared the crap cluttering my collection of cardboard guarded books. Threw out some old card games I enjoy (Magic the Gathering, for those wondering). Reshelfed my books, so the middle row is long and standing and definately all "the List".

For the new readers out there, "the List" will always refer to the Time Magazine's 100 Best novels, from 1923 to 2005. (1923 was when they started printing. 2005 was the year they posted the list.) I had read 9 books on the list, and vowed to read them all, as a practice in persistence, as well as a fine way to educate myself on the practice of writing. What better way?

I have also finished university just recently, which has inspired the cleaning and prepping. I am getting ready to resume writing, dusting off my 2008-started novel which has been 50% written. Not even up to rewriting yet!

Here's a link to the List:

And yes, I have read many of the books. I'll post my list (read, owned but not started, still to buy) tomorrow.

And thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. wooo hippie boyfriend! better stop shaving those armpits!
