Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Melbourne GP 2012!!

Tomorrow we set flight! Victoria is a brilliant little state, and I love Melbourne ever since I visited back in January. (Doctor Who symphony orchestra, beautiful geek love there).

I'm travelling with man C Gibs (he's not a rapper) instead of the usual go-to guru Rony because he's gotten a life and a job and has to deal with that. Which is rather funny, considering my own switch from "nothing but work" last to "nothing but play, at the possible expense of work" this year. Let's rock this!

Now I haven't updated since January 19, which was a shock because I didn't think it had been that long. Eitherway, the explanation is that I stopped playing FNM once I visited Lismore to help with the Dark Ascension prerelease, and without even realising it I've been doing some very good level 2 judge stuff.

Namely mentoring Lismore and her judge lvl 0s enough for them to pass their lvl 1s. They haven't passed yet, but I'm being pulled over to help assess their abilities at GP Melbourne, so that's fun stuff for them and was entirely unnoticed by myself. I was just helping a mate to run his store and his Magic games, and it came naturally.

So expect a good write up of the event, the flight, the location we stayed and some geek love for Melbourne. My sweety wont be with me this time (she was for Doctor Who) but that's OK, it's always good to have a small smidgen of time apart so you can miss the other person properly.

ALSO if you love Magic cards that rip on Magic cards, here's Nyxathid Goes to Town by a budding artist and designer extraordinare Petr Joura.


We'll see you after the jump.

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