Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rounds 5-7!!

I thought I posted before now? ANYWAY:


The next 3 rounds are a bit speckled, because they went to time and I couldn't write them down immediately after.

Round 5

There was Ashleigh, a nice german fellow who looked like an aussie german blend. His deck lost two games straight, the first one because my fliers got there quite well, and the second because I got my Delver of Secrest flipped and equipped with Butcher's Cleaver straight away. He managed to amass a defense and smash me for plenty, but a Boiling Oil and a (3 kill an attacker) destroyed his attack, so instead of 12 it was for 3, then he died.

I had a Mikaeus who was huge, with the Cleaver, but he got a SilverclawGriffin that was bigger, and thanks to first strike who cares about life gain? I pumped Mikaeus some more, he put Inquisitor's Flail on it, and then I handed my Cleaver to my own Silverclaw Griffin. Thanks to the Flail it would deal enough damage at the same time to clean it up.

Games 2-0
Matches 3-1-1

Round 6

I forget. Maybe it'll come to me later. But I genuinely forget. He had stuff, that's right! Joe, my opponent named Joe. We had the same kind of cards, with both had Blasphemous Act, and we could both play around it. My Mikaeus was huge, and his team was good, and quicker but not quick enough to NOT deal with my junk, and then um...

Game 3, we go to time. It's 3 and 2 meaning 3 turns for me, 2 for him. He's low, near death. On my turn I gte Invisible Stalker to pair with Mikaeus. He can't attack seeing Mikaeus is 8/8ish. He has two blockers. Next turn I attack with just Mikaeus, which he doesn't raise an eyebrow at. He blocks with one creature, I use Blazing Torch on his remaining creature and then that's it -- if he doesn't have a blocker I'll win. Invisi-stalker could only deal 1, not enough, but he windmills his card for the turn...

And everybody can guess that it was a swamp.

Games 2-1
Matches 4-1-1

Round 7

This round I'm against Brendan, who I've been playing beside all day thanks to both of us being in the draw bracket. I even joked about it winding up that way, and there we are paired up.

Game 1 is great because he has many creatures, but I get the combo going, Cleaver for my Invisible Stalker. You think someone would see the digested meat, right? I'm swinging, he's only doing an effective one damage a turn, and surmouts an INCREDIBLE offense that I survive.

His mistakes: not flipping a Cloistered Youth. He was already into his main phase and playing a land, and I didn't mind it not flipping. The second was when he didn't play a Tragic Slip he had, and the third was masteful on my part.

I counted, and he had lethal next turn assuming I couldn't block. It's his turn, I smash him down to next turn letha and then attacks all out, tapping all my creatures...

Except for my Gargoyle. I look at his creatures, count up the power and say "So we're in blockers?" He says "That's lethal right?"

I draw the Gargoyle over to his 3/3 and block, saying "That shouldn't be." We count up, I take 7 in the end, go to 3. I swing back for the win next turn with my team, including my Galvanic Juggernaut. He came down early and just stayed tapped, yay!

Game 2 I win the 39 card bingo, as he sideboards for a while and seems angry. I count his cards, find 39 and call a judge. They take him away and yeah, it's only 39 so a game lose for him. Match to me.

Games 1-0

Assuming I win the next round I'll make day, being above all the 6-2-2 players, which is great and fun. Ammy is presumably 7-0 at this point, HAS made day two, and James as well. Wish me luck!

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